Monday, July 22, 2013

Circle of Safety International

The doctors and staff of Coastal Carolina Orthodontics consider the health and safety of the children of Carteret, Craven, and Onslow Counties to be of paramount importance.  In efforts to continue to provide parents in our area with opportunities to enhance the lives and well-being of their children, Coastal Carolina Orthodontics will be sponsoring the Circle of Safety International on August 9th and 10th in our Morehead City and Havelock offices, respectively.  This is a tremendous opportunity for parents in Carteret and Craven Counties to have a FREE medical and identification card made for their child.  The Circle of Safety Identification Card provides law enforcement, first responders, or medical personnel with vital information in case of an emergency. 

The card is intended be carried by anyone caring for your child, whether that be a parent, babysitter, daycare or school.  Additionally, the Circle of Safety Card has a parent/guardian signature line authorizing a caretaker to obtain medical care for your child in the case of such an emergency. 

All costs for the production of these cards will be covered by Coastal Carolina Orthodontics.  If you are a parent in the Morehead City or Havelock area we encourage you to schedule a FREE appointment by calling Coastal Carolina Orthodontics at 252-726-1137 to take part in this event.  Spaces are filling quickly and will be limited.  For directions, please visit

Friday, July 19, 2013

Why your child should visit Coastal Carolina Orthodontics by Age 7

The doctors of Coastal Carolina Orthodontics and the American Association of Orthodontists recommend all children have a check-up with an orthodontic specialist by age 7.  Many times, however, we hear parents say “Why should I bring my child to see the orthodontist at such a young age?  My child isn’t ready for braces.”  And, the truth is, for most young patients that’s correct. 

Coastal Carolina Orthodontics is proud of the long history of our “Growth Observation Program,” in which we monitor the development of your child’s teeth and facial structures.  This program is offered at our Morehead City, Jacksonville, and Havelock, NC locations.  With over 150 years of collective orthodontic experience, our doctors are experts at identifying orthodontic problems early in development and can provide guidance to help minimize their severity.  Some such problems are discussed in more detail on our website:

These Growth Observation visits provide parents with useful information about their child’s individual orthodontic needs, as well as peace of mind knowing an expert in dental and facial development is looking out for their child’s best interest. 

To take part in our Growth Observation Program, call either our Morehead City, Havelock, or Jacksonville office to schedule a free consultation.  If more extensive dental records or early treatment are not needed, there is no cost to you for enrolling your child in this program, which typically involves a free exam in our office every six to 18 months.

Call us today to schedule a free consultation for the benefit of your child’s orthodontic health!

Morehead City: 252-726-1137
Jacksonville: 910-353-5234
Havelock: 252-447-1181

Reasons your child should schedule a consultation with Coastal Carolina Orthodontics by age 7:

1)       The permanent bite begins to be established with the eruption of the 6 year molars, allowing for early detection of developing overbites or underbites as well as width discrepancies between the jaws.

2)       Permanent front teeth usually erupt between 6 and 8 years of age allowing the identification of crowding, deep bites, open bites, and habits which may be harmful to dental development.

3)       Finally, and perhaps most importantly, early observation appointments allow your child to become familiar with the orthodontic team and office long before braces are needed.

Article Provided by Morehead City native, Dr. D. Walker, DDS, MS of Coastal Carolina Orthodontics, graduate of the UNC School of Dentistry, published research author, and former NIH Fellow