Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"When am I getting my Braces Off?!"

"When am I getting them Off?!"

This is by far the most common question we are asked as orthodontists!  While the duration of each patients treatment is different due to the individualized treatment plan and smile design the orthodontists at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics have prepared for you, there are several "secrets" that will help you get of braces faster.
1) Keep Your Teeth, Gums, and Braces Clean!
Brushing and flossing regularly doesn't just keep you from getting cavities and gum disease, but it can also help your teeth move.  If plaque and tartar accumulate on your braces they can act like speed bumps, slowing your teeth as they try to move along the wires.  Also, if you come to your appointment with dirty teeth or braces, we will need to spend time reviewing proper brushing and flossing with you which can distract us from our primary goal of getting your teeth straight efficiently!

2) Eat The Right Things!
Certain foods are almost guaranteed to knock your braces off.  For example, ice, lollipops, and certain frozen treats.  When a bracket comes off a tooth that tooth doesn't move, so even though all the other teeth continue to straighten, the one with the loose bracket will not and will usually even start to rotate or crowd.  Ultimately, that equates to  more time in braces as we work to get that tooth caught up.

3) Wear your rubber bands or other appliances!
For many patients wearing rubber bands is essential for them to achieve a good bite.  Rubber bands are designed to be worn 24 hours a day, every day, except for eating and brushing.  A lot of patients think that if they wear their rubber bands a few hours a day every day they will make progress, like chopping down a tree with an axe, "every little bit counts."  Unfortunately, this isn't the case.  Using rubber bands to correct your bite is more like rolling a ball up a large hill; every time you take the rubber bands out, it's like letting the ball go and you lose ground.

The orthodontists at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics in Morehead City, Jacksonville, and Havelock use state-of-the-art appliances and techniques to give our patients the best possible results in the least time possible.  Following these tips will make sure your braces are off quickly and with a great result!

Monday, July 21, 2014

4 Secrets About the First Days with Braces

For most, "summertime" invokes thoughts of days at the beach, swimming in the pool, and fireworks!  But for many parents summer means time for a first visit to the orthodontist!  In fact, summer is the most popular time for kids to get braces, and with good reason!  Braces involve a major life change and most kids and teens need time to adjust.  

Summer is a great time to visit CCO!

For those considering orthodontics in the near future and especially for those who are currently getting used to their braces, listed below are four secrets about the first days with braces and some tips on helping you solve some of the most common problems!

1) Braces and wires can feel rough on your cheeks and lips
         Over the past several years braces have become smaller and more comfortable than ever before.  But, they will never be as smooth as teeth!  For that reason, braces can feel "scratchy" or sometimes "rough" to lips and cheeks.  Most patients get used to the feeling of having braces after about 2 weeks, and before that small pieces of dental wax can help buffer any particularly "rough" areas.

          At Coastal Carolina Orthodontics, we utilize the smallest braces available, Speed Braces, to help make them more comfortable to wear.

2) Your teeth will get sore
           The modern technology used with today's braces has greatly decreased the soreness patients experience;  however, because of the biology involved with moving teeth, they will get sore.  Soreness with braces usually starts the evening after you first get them on and subsides of the next 2 to 3 days.  Over-the-counter pain medication (Ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc.) usually is very effective at eliminating this discomfort.

            To help our patients avoid this soreness, we use the very flexible and "soft" wires to align the teeth.  In fact, the initial wires used at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics are manufactured by an international aeronautical company and have been proven to use the lightest forces possible to move teeth!

3) Brushing is going to be more challenging
             Braces have many small pieces and all these pieces can act as traps for plaque.  On average, patients in braces need to spend at least 2-3 minutes twice a day brushing, and floss at least once a day to maintain good dental health.

             Our small Speed Braces don't require elastic ties around them, which makes it easier to maintain optimal dental hygiene during orthodontic treatment.

4) Your teeth will start to move quickly! 
            You will be amazed how fast your teeth will start move!  With the state-of-the-art techniques and appliances we use, most patients start to notice changes in the position of their teeth within a week!

Getting braces certainly does mean a lot to get used to, making summer the ideal time for kids and teens to make that first visit to the orthodontist!   The SmileMakers Team at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics in Morehead City, Jacksonville, and Havelock are the most experienced and trusted orthodontic providers in the area and are ready to help you or your child achieve a beautiful smile!   smilemakersnc.com

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Is Invisalign for Kids?!

You may have heard of Invisalign, the clear trays that can be worn on your teeth to correct mild to moderate orthodontic problems, but did you know there's Invisalign for Teens?

Many people assume Invisalign is just for adults but there is a new form of Invisalign available specifically designed to treat teenagers.

How is it different than normal Invisalign?

Invisalign Teen has several unique benefits designed to make it more suitable for treating teenage patients.
First, it contains a compliance indicator.  Some parents worry that if their child were to use Invisalign to straighten their teeth that they may not wear the aligners as much as is needed to have a good result.  The Invisalign Teen system Compliance Indicator allows you and the orthodontist to check the number of hours your child wears the aligners.

Second, Invisalign Teen has 6 free replacement aligners!  If your child loses an aligner, a new can be ordered at not cost to you and without a compromise in results!

Why would I Consider Invisalign Teen for My Child?

Not all teens are great brushes!  Because the Invisalign Teen aligners are removable, oral hygiene is usually better than with braces.

Also, some teenage patients can be self-conscious about wearing braces or perhaps they are involved in activities that may make wearing braces difficult.  Clear aligners can make getting that perfect smile a more comfortable process for these patients.

Finally, some teens just refuse to wear braces, even though we as orthodontists and you as parents know they could benefit from treatment.  For these patients Invisalign Teen is often a treatment option they are willing to consider.

What Types of Conditions Can be Treated with Invisalign Teen?

A lot of different types of crowding, spacing, and some bites can be corrected.  As the most experienced providers of Invisalign and Invisalign Teen in Morehead City, Jacksonville, and Havelock, the Orthodontists at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics are uniquely qualified to assess whether or not your child can be treated with this appliance.

Call one of our offices today for a free Invisalign or Invisalign Teen consultation or check us out at smilemakersnc.com!

Morehead City:  252-726-1137
Jacksonville: 910-353-5234
Havelock: 252-447-1181

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Benefits of a Multi-Doctor Orthodontic Practice

Coastal Carolina Orthodontics is unique amongst all orthodontic practices in Carteret, Craven and Onslow Counties, not just because of the unmatched quality of care we provide and the beautiful smiles created, but because we are a group orthodontic practice.

Most orthodontists in the country, and all other orthodontists in our area, are solo practitioners, serving as the only orthodontist for their practice.

However, in recent years a trend towards more group orthodontic practices has begun to develop, and for good reason.  Our doctors are proud of having pioneered this practice model and firmly believe it enables us to provide the best quality of care to our patients.

Why a Group Orthodontic Practice is the Obvious Choice for Your or Your Child's Care:

  • There is always an orthodontist available for our patients.
    • Orthodontists who work by themselves can be unavailable for their patients when they take vacations
    • At CCO, when one of our doctors takes vacation there is always another doctor available to assist you or your child in case of emergencies
  • You can always have a second, or even a third opinion!
    • When you are seen by an orthodontist working by himself or herself your only option for a second opinion is to visit another orthodontist
    • At CCO, if you want a second opinion about your or your child's treatment, there is always one available!
  • Quality of Care is Improved
    • When an orthodontist works as a solo practitioner, he or she will undoubtedly be faced with new clinical situations which force the doctor to "guess" at the correct treatment option
    • At CCO, our doctors work to together to diagnose and treat our patients.  
    • We have three Board Certified Orthodontists on our team and over 150 years of experience
Many orthodontists claim the materials they use, like the type of braces or wires, but at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics we know what truly makes us unique is the people, the experience, and the quality of care we are able to provide by working together.

To find out more about our practice call one of our offices today:

Morehead City: 252-726-1137
Jacksonville:  910-353-5234
Havelock: 252-447-1181
Coastal Carolina Orthodontics
Coastal Carolina Orthodontics: the areas only providers of both Damon and Speed Braces, Invisalign and Invisalign Teen

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Is Invisalign For Me?

A lot of people have heard of Invisalign, but have you ever wondered what it really is, or how it works?  The doctors at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics are the most experienced Invisalign Doctors in the area, and have used this appliance to create beautiful smiles for lots of patients, INCLUDING A RECENT MISS NORTH CAROLINA!

So, what is it? 
Invisalign is an appliance for moving teeth made out of a clear plastic material.  The clear trays, called "aligners," are custom made to fit your teeth and produce tooth movements prescribed by the doctors at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics.

How does it work? 
To create the aligners, an impression is taken of your teeth and shipped to Invisalign. The impressions are then used to create a 3D digital model of your teeth.  Using this virtual model our doctors will prescribe the needed tooth movements to correct your crowding or bite.  Small movements of the teeth are accomplished with each aligner, so multiple aligners are needed to complete the full treatment.

Who Can Have Invisalign Treatment?
Invisalign and Invisalign Teen are great for certain types of tooth movement and bite corrections and for some patients they are a good alternative to braces.  Only an orthodontist with as much experience as our doctors can accurately tell you if Invisalign will be right for you.

There are many other companies that try to copy the Invisalign process, but they don't have the same record of success.  Invisalign is the exclusive clear aligner appliance we use at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics.

To find out more about Invisalign and all the services offered by the doctors and staff at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics in Morehead City, Jacksonville and Havelock, visit us at smilemakersnc.com or call to schedule your FREE Consultation!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Treat Yourself" Right this Halloween!

While over 17,000 orthodontists throughout the U.S., Canada and abroad celebrate National Orthodontic Health Month every October, children eagerly await the end of the month to celebrate Halloween.  This festive holiday, and all its accompanying candy, can be a scary time for teeth.  Because Halloween treats can play tricks on orthodontic treatment, as part of National Orthodontic Health Month, the doctors of Coasal Carolina Orthodontics in Morehead City, Jacksonville, and Havelock want to give patients and the entire community a few timely tips to protect braces and aligners and other orthodontic “appliances” while protecting teeth from decay.

Avoid sticky situations with your braces and aligners. Stay away from hard, sticky, crunchy or chewy candy and snacks. These include caramel, gummies, licorice, taffy, bubblegum (even the sugarless kind) and jelly beans.
Say “boo” to hard-shelled peanut candies, nuts or nut-filled candies, taco chips and popcorn (especially unpopped kernels). And whether in orthodontic treatment or not, the doctors at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics no one should ever chew ice.
Spooktacular news - not all Halloween candy is off-limits.  Good alternatives include soft chocolates, peanut butter cups or other melt-in-your-mouth varieties. The American Association of Orthodontists even offers orthodontic-friendly recipes for Halloween on its website at http://www.mylifemysmile.org/pressroom.
Sweets can cause cavities which means brushing and flossing are more important than ever during the Halloween season. Orthodontic patients should be especially vigilant about brushing and flossing after consuming sugary or starchy foods.

It’s okay to enjoy some treats at Halloween without causing problems with orthodontic care, and we want everyone to have fun on Halloween, and we encourage patients to enjoy acceptable treats in moderation.  It’s important to remember that when orthodontic treatment is complete, and patients see their healthy and beautiful new smiles in the mirror, they will know all of their efforts were worthwhile!

If you would like to donate the candy you collect this year, we will be "upgrading" your candy for Smile Rewards Points.  For every 1 pound of candy you donate to Operation Christmas Child you will earn 10 smile rewards points.  You can donate candy during normal hours Monday-Thursday next week!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Benefits of Smiling

The goal of orthodontic treatment at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics is to establish a good bite while optimizing aesthetics and achieving a beautiful smile that is in harmony with the rest of the face. 

A good bite makes it easier for you to  chew and, in some cases, speak. This can enhance your dental health and your overall health, and with good comprehensive dental care teeth can last a lifetime.

The benefits of a beautiful, healthy smile are limitless, but here are a few!:

  • It makes you more attractive:  We are drawn to people who smile!
  • It can Change your Mood: Smiling can trick you body into changing your mood!
  • It boosts your Immune System: When you smile, you immune system improves due to increased relaxation
  • It relieves Stress: That same relaxation that boosts your immune system can also help relieve tension
  • It's a natural medicine: studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, serotonin, and natural pain killers
  • It Makes you Look Younger: The muscles your body uses to smile actually lift the face and make you look younger and healthier
  • Smiling Makes You More Successful: Smiling in a job interview can make you look more confident and maybe more likely to land you the job! 
At Coastal Carolina Orthodontics in Morehead City, Jacksonville, and Havelock, you can rely on our orthodontists’ expertise, which comes from their extensive education and more years of clinical practice than any other orthodontist in the area. 

Visit us at smilemakersnc.com to schedule your free consultation today.