You may have heard of Invisalign, the clear trays that can be worn on your teeth to correct mild to moderate orthodontic problems, but did you know there's Invisalign for Teens?
Many people assume Invisalign is just for adults but there is a new form of Invisalign available specifically designed to treat teenagers.
Invisalign Teen has several unique benefits designed to make it more suitable for treating teenage patients.
First, it contains a compliance indicator. Some parents worry that if their child were to use Invisalign to straighten their teeth that they may not wear the aligners as much as is needed to have a good result. The Invisalign Teen system Compliance Indicator allows you and the orthodontist to check the number of hours your child wears the aligners.
Second, Invisalign Teen has 6 free replacement aligners! If your child loses an aligner, a new can be ordered at not cost to you and without a compromise in results!
Why would I Consider Invisalign Teen for My Child?
Not all teens are great brushes! Because the Invisalign Teen aligners are removable, oral hygiene is usually better than with braces.
Also, some teenage patients can be self-conscious about wearing braces or perhaps they are involved in activities that may make wearing braces difficult. Clear aligners can make getting that perfect smile a more comfortable process for these patients.
Finally, some teens just refuse to wear braces, even though we as orthodontists and you as parents know they could benefit from treatment. For these patients Invisalign Teen is often a treatment option they are willing to consider.
What Types of Conditions Can be Treated with Invisalign Teen?
A lot of different types of crowding, spacing, and some bites can be corrected. As the most experienced providers of Invisalign and Invisalign Teen in Morehead City, Jacksonville, and Havelock, the Orthodontists at Coastal Carolina Orthodontics are uniquely qualified to assess whether or not your child can be treated with this appliance.
Call one of our offices today for a free Invisalign or Invisalign Teen consultation or check us out at!
Morehead City: 252-726-1137
Jacksonville: 910-353-5234
Havelock: 252-447-1181
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